Lists in Python

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Python Lists are used to store multiple items in a single variable. We create a list using an angle bracket “[]” and separated it by commas.

The list is mutable, which means it may be altered or updated after it is created.

Example of a List in Python:

Here is an example of a Python List using the angle bracket “[]”.


Accessing Python List Elements

Getting the value of an element in a list is as simple as using the index in the list. Indexes are assigned from 0 in Python. We can also access items with negative indexes in Python. Negative indexes indicate entries counted from the list’s end.


Concatenation and Replication of Lists in Python

List concatenation is the process of combining the contents of two lists into one.


List replication is the process of copying the contents of a list a finite number of times into the same or another list.


Adding Items to Lists

We can use the insert function to add an item to a specific index of a list. It takes two arguments the first argument will be the index and the second argument will be the item.


Using the append function, we can append an element to the end of a list.


Delete or Remove items from Lists

We can remove a specific item from a list using the del keyword.

Output: Rahul will be removed from the name1 list.

You can also remove the list item by passing the item name as an argument into the remove keyword.

Looping/Iterating through Lists

The following example shows how to iterate over all of the items in a list.


Python List Sorting

We use the sort() method to arrange the items on the list in a specific order. It sorts the items in ascending order by default.


We can sort in descending order using reverse argument in the sort function.


Reverse List in Python

reverse() : This reverses the order of list elements in python.



The two operations in Python allow for the intuitive usage of lists as a stack.

  1. append()
  2. pop().

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