PHP Array

PHP Array – Indexing, Associative, Multidimensional

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An array is the most important part of any programing language. It is very useful if you work on a large amount of data or fetching and manipulating the database.

In this article, the following topic will be covered:

What are PHP Arrays?

A PHP array is a variable that store single or multiple data type values in a single variable and that can access by index or associate’s name. An array creates using array() function or sqare[] brackets.


Usage of PHP Arrays:

Easy to manipulate: Adding or removing elements in an array, and reading or changing an element’s value, is easy.
A large amount of data: Through the loop, you can easily reading or changing each element’s value.
Manipulation of Array: PHP gives many in-built functions to merge array, sort array value, and key as well and remove elements, etc.

Types of Array

There are three types of Array:

  1. Index or Numeric Array
  2. Associative Array
  3. Multidimensional Array

Indexing Array

An indexed or numeric array stores a numeric index for every array element.



Let’s take an example:

Associative Arrays

Associative array associates with key and value.

Let’s take an example:

In the above example, names are associated with salary.

Multidimensional Arrays

A multidimensional array is a set of arrays. PHP supports two, three, four, etc level of the multidimensional array. Array with more than three levels is difficult to manage.


In the above syntax is a two-dimensional(2D) array.

Let’s take a table of employee and implement it in an array:

Name Age Salary
John 28 50000
Peter 25 40000
Harry 26 45000

Operating on Arrays

PHP has many built-in functions to operate the array. We will apply some of them for operation and also we will use the PHP loop.

1. Print_r: It is used to print the array.



2. Var_dump: It shows data type and value as well.


3. Count: It is used to count the array.



4. Foreach Loop: Foreach Loop is used to print the array.



You can print Employee name through For loop.

Sorting Arrays

Sorting is used to order the data in ascending or descending. PHP has the in-built function for sorting the array.

1. sort() : It is used to sort an array in ascending array.



2. rsort() : It is used to sort an array in descending order


3. asort(): It is used to sort the associative array in ascending order.


4. ksort(): It is used to sort associative in ascending order according to the key.


Check the article to sort array without in-built function.


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