PHP Functions

PHP Functions

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In this article, we will cover the following topics:

Introduction of PHP Functions

PHP functions are a piece of code that can be reused.

Advantages of PHP functions:

  • Code Reusability.
  • Reducing code duplication.
  • Break a larger number of codes into small pieces.

PHP functions are divided into two sections such as Built-in function and user-defined function. Built-in functions are part of the language of PHP. User-Defined function, that can be created by a programmer according to needs. The user-Defined function executes by the call of the function.

Declaring Functions:

A PHP function declares by keyword function.


In the above syntax,

  1. Start a keyword function for creating a function.
  2. Put the name of function example: userDefineFunctionName.
  3. Start a curly( { ) brace.
  4. Write a block of code.
  5. Close curly( } ) brace.


In the above example, define a function “add” and it is adding two values (10 + 7). After declaration, it will show 17 as an output. If you do not declare the function then it will not show anything.

Passing Arguments to Functions:

PHP function allows passing arguments to the function. You can pass multiple arguments according to requirements.

Let’s take an example using a switch case:

PHP Variables Scope:

PHP variable scope is a part of a program that can be accessed or visible.

There are three types of Variable scope:

  1. Local Scope
  2. Global Scope

Local and Global Scope:

A variable declares inside the function is called Local Scope that accesses only inside the function.


A variable declares outside the function is called Global Scope that can be accessed inside the function by global keyword.

PHP Global scope variable also accesses by $GLOBALS array. It associates with the key of the name of the variable.

Returning Values from a Function

You can return value, array, or object by return keyword in the function and the return stops the execution of the function.


In the above example, the function is written for adding two numbers and returning the sum of two values($a, $b). Assigned the return value after calling the function to the $sum variable and it will show the following output:


Recursive Function in PHP

A recursive function is a function that calls itself continually until the terminating state arrives.

Let’s take an example:

In the above example, printing the table of 2 without using the PHP loop.


Predefined Functions in PHP:

PHP has many pre-defined functions which are called built-in functions.

You can check those functions here:

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